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Gearing up to clear out

The current opportunity to sail south is looking better and better so unfortunately for Lissa, our new crew member, she’s not going to get much time in Fiji before we leave. With that in mind we took her out snorkelling on the same two patches we went to with Anne and John back in August. The water is now a few degrees warmer which was nice. We saw abundant fish at both locations but no octopii this time.

We ate lunch ashore and then left for Saweni Bay where we are now anchored.


The winds were quite strong initially and we were bombing along at 8-9 knots before we encountered wind shadow from the land and had to motor.

We’re now just around the corner from Lautoka where we’ll move quite soon and clear out of the country.

Yesterday evening we got in contact with Passages who turns out to be just around the corner and are committed to leaving this weekend too. We’ve agreed a contact schedule with them so we can stay in touch each day. The anchorage here is quite full so I suspect a lot of boats are heading out this weekend.

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