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Cold, wet & In Point a Pitre

We’ve made it to Point-a-Pitre. The going started very slow with very little wind. Then the forecast easterly kicked in and we made good progress. It wasn’t quite enough to the east to avoid tacking so that we did. About 8nm out a front came over which brought lots of rain, a 20 degree wind shift and a calm behind. That left us motorsailing until a couple of nm out when all hell hit loose. We dropped the sails with winds in the mid 30s and motored the rest of the way in in cold drenching rain driving in from the side. This made me very wet. Helen was able to hide indoors.

This was our least pleasant crossing to date. Helen did not find one bit to enjoy. Right now we’re anchored outside of the marina in Point-a-Pitre. Where we are we have no internet connection. As we came up the river I was using my Canary to detect providers. There’s one a little way back. We may move there later. For now it’s a warm shower and a nap.


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