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Shore Life

Spend a week being deliberately woken in the middle of the night and you’ll soon appreciate a good, uninterrupted night’s sleep. Everyone aboard was in agreement with this. Sometimes you just don’t know how good something is until you lose it for a while.

Well rested we all got on with light work for the morning. Lissa helped Helen clean up the boat. I got on with sorting out our past tracks and photos and a few other internet based things that had caught up on us over the last week or so. I also managed to get in touch with our friends on Bamboozle who have just left Auckland and are gradually heading this way. We’re definitely adjusting our plans, such as they were, to meet up with them if schedules permit. We’ll learn more later in the week after they’ve undergone some fixes and the current bout of weather has passed.

In the afternoon Lissa’s parents, her boyfriend and past crewman Paul who is a friend of their family all showed up. We hung around the boat for a few hours chatting, eating nibbles and polishing off some bottles of wine they’d brought. We had a few laughs going over Lissa’s experiences of her time aboard.

It was sad to see Lissa go but this is the lot of us cruisers. Friendships made are inevitably followed by goodbyes. We may have a chance to visit them down in Auckland but right now we simply haven’t got our heads around what we’ll be doing the week before we fly out of New Zealand.

Back on the boat we watched a bit of TV while eating a bit of tuna before retiring for the evening.

Today we plan to take one of the hire cars here out to Whangarei and do a bit of shopping and maybe see a little of the local area.

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