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Last full day aboard

And it was a bit of a busy one at that.

First business of the day was producing an leaflet for our soon to be available second hand batteries which we planned to place in the usual yachtie hangouts around town. I decided to sell twenty and keep four in lieu of our house bank rearrangement project in March, just in case we can squeeze a few more in.

Next was a chat with works manager Peter to discuss the few things we want done to the boat. When we last hauled we put on enough bottom paint to last us two years. Now we’ve hauled again we want to postpone the next haul out so this means putting on one more layer of paint. We want to get our new sail drives protected from growth and we need our new scratch from bumping into the Q dock on arrival polished out and repaired. While talking to Peter I mentioned the batteries. He has 8 year old batteries, the same as ours and was planning to replace them. He was very interested and would think about it.

Once this was all discussed and planned Helen and I walked into town to collect our hire car. With that we visited the Town Basin Marina and a couple of boat yards to put up our posters before returning to the boat to begin work.

There was still some tidying and packing to do so Helen focussed on that while I began the task of pulling out all of the drive batteries and most of the house bank. By the afternoon Peter had made his decision and we had sold the first eight. Later in the afternoon one of the yard workers who is building his own boat here bought another eight. By the end of the day I’d sold the final four. I’d obviously priced them too low but we were happy with the price so we couldn’t complain.

As it was our last evening in the yard we went to town to eat out. We looked at a few places but in the end returned to our favourite Indian and ordered our favourite dishes there. Very tasty.

That’s about it for Dignity this year. This morning we do our final clearance. The genset compartment needs to be emptied and we need to wait for Peter to show so we can off load his batteries. Then we’ll be off.

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