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Much Addo

We’ve had a great time in Grahamstown. In particular, the chance to spend three weeks with our family there without having much going on and just having the time to relax, spending time together, has been great. The great opportunities that arise in the modern world often flings families apart and that can be a heavy price to bear. Hopefully we’ve caught up a little.

We left Grahamstown this morning and headed over to Addo Elephant National Park. This was our third visit and perhaps our best. In addition to elephants we saw kudu, dung beetles, ostriches, zebras, warthogs, tortoises, monitor lizards, herons, cranes, monkeys, eagles and probably many more. We took plenty of pictures (see below) but missed a couple of classics such as seeing a mother and four baby warthogs crossing the road. What really made this trip were some real close up encounters with elephants, kudu, ostrich and warthogs who seemed oblivious to the presence of our car.

The park has been extended since our last visit so it was good to have more roads and locations to explore. We eventually left through the south exit and headed into Port Elizabeth. We paid a brief visit to Algoa Bay Yacht Club which is a potential stop for international yachts sailing the coast of South Africa. We learned it wasn’t a common stop and we could see why. There was a lot of swell in the harbour and we were told it was light. We also learned that East London, another listed stop, is now all but closed to international yachts due to the dock where they tie to being condemned.

We finally checked into our accommodation for the evening, the Treetops Guesthouse. For the low price it is excellent and right by the airport. Just what we like.


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