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Now in Johannesburg

We were in no rush to leave this morning. After breakfast we read for a bit before finally checking out. As intended we drove through the Golden Gate Highlands National Park which reminded us very much of Arizona, in particular the area around Sedona. We spent about an hour in the Basotho Cultural Village which showcased how the Basotho people (who live in Lesotho and the Free State, South Africa) have lived over the last few hundred years and how their villages have evolved. It was all quite interesting except for tasting some of their food. At the beginning we were taken through a mock ceremony with the mock chief where their sourgum based beer was shared with us, the visitors – somewhat reminiscent of our encounters in Fiji.

From there we headed to our overnight accommodation at the Impangale B&B where we were greeted by the owner and six out of his seven South African Ridgebacks – the seventh being kept inside following an operation. The place is absolutely superb and looks to be a great stop before we fly out tomorrow.


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