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Got the lurgies

We had a good night out New Years Eve staying in a pub with live music until about 1am. We eventually made it to bed around 2am after one or two final nightcaps. New Years Day can speak for itself after the night before.

We’ve been out an and about a bit since then. We’ve seen a couple of properties in town that are up for sale (out of curiosity). A few days ago we went further afield visiting Trelissick Garden in the morning followed by lunch / afternoon in nearby Falmouth.

Through all this we’ve had the odd sniffle something we’ve grown quite unused to in the last three years of living in the tropics.

For the last few days I’ve taken a big turn for the worse and been more or less bedridden with what feels like a combined assault of flu and cold. Lois, Helen’s sister, has described my condition in terms of the plague. We had planned to be leaving Cornwall today but that is now postponed until I’ve had a good nights rest and a clear day. I had felt a lot better yesterday evening but regressed overnight.

Fortunately this is all just an inconvenience. With two very good friends having much greater health challenges I count myself very lucky. Not sure if you’re reading this Anne and Johnny but we do hope you get well soon.

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