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Today we took the bus down to Roseau. Next Monday/Tuesday is carnival and our big decision is whether or not the sail down there in advance. Because of the strikes in Guadeloupe and Martinique we’re going to stay here another 2 weeks as we like it so much. So heading south now amounts to either spending 2 weeks in Roseau or going there and perhaps coming back. We know we will go there for a few days for provisioning before heading off to Martinique but is the extra time worth it? Answering that was the goal of our trip.

Well. It’s good for provisioning. Very good. But Portsmouth is much nicer and has a bigger sailing community than Roseau so we’re staying put for the time being. Current thinking is that we’ll take the bus down on Monday morning to see the costume festival and experience day 2 here in Portsmouth.

Anyhow. The bus ride is in a minivan and takes about an hour. Both directions we were full – 14 passengers and 1 driver. In Roseau we walked south to the various anchorages and found them not to our liking. On the way we passed a Budget Marine affiliate where I was able to buy some fishing gear for a good price. We’re only setting ourselves up for hand trolling for now but as yet we didn’t even have the basics. Now I’ve got most things and intend to be set up for our trip to Martinique as fishing requires permits here in Dominica. That may be why the gear is relatively cheap as there is little demand.

Apart from the fishing gear our only other purchases were four bottles of wine and two crunchies. We have our priorities you see.

Enjoy the pics around Roseau.

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