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A week on

We did have a nice pub dinner with Ben and very much enjoyed his company. Before we left the next morning he showed me a go-cart I had apparently built many years ago. Before seeing it I could not recall ever making it but on looking at it it did look familiar. This would have been in my early 20s when the kids were very young. Just shows how much of ones life disappears down memory plug hole.

After visiting Ben we headed towards Cheltenham to meet a friend of ours who has recently had a heart scare. As we had time we stopped off in Gloucester to have a walk around. There we parked near the historic docks, explored the area then walked over to the cathedral.

We spent the rest of the day with our friend Johnny catching up as one does. The next morning we headed further north to visit and stay with Helen’s final sister, Joanna and her husband Alan who leave near Warrington.


We’ve been here since last Monday generally relaxing going out most days for some activity. We’ve been on a few walks, had a go on the golf driving range (I was rubbish) and been out to the movies to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo which we really enjoyed.

My flu/cold has improved considerably but now Helen’s sneezing all the time. What joy.

Today we’re heading back south. We’ll be back at Helen’s sister Betty’s this evening then back off on some personal business for a couple of days.

I have upload some previous pictures. The last few entries have been updated and the albums added.

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