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Wet, Windy and Overcast

That is the weekend weather synopsis.

We found a gap in the rain yesterday to get to the market. The water was quite choppy which means we need to lay and anchor off the stern of the dinghy to stop it bashing into the dinghy dock. Just more messing about. The rest of the day was spent being pretty lazy. Reading. Watching the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

Today looks much the same.

Tonight, as there is for every Sunday night, a beach barbecue in aid of funding the security patrols. If the weather clears we’d like to go to this.

One thing I didn’t mention in previous blogs is that there is now a gasoline shortage here in Dominica. Locals are blaming the issues in the surrounding French islands but other reports say this is due to an equipment failure between the tanks where fuel is delivered from ship and the land. Turns out the day we arrived was the last day you could get gas here in Portsmouth. Good job I filled both cans then. The island isn’t totally out. When we bussed it to Roseau there were a number of stations open albeit with very long lines.

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