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Overall, a grand day

Shortly after our successful sea (river) trial David and Marian from Kilkea showed up for a brief visit. We decided to eat lunch at Reva’s overlooking the river. Having overfed ourselves to only option was to walk it all off so we decided to take the river hike up to Whangarei Falls.

The weather was very pleasant as was the company. We always enjoy the David and Marian’s company. They’re leaving for Australia within the next few months and this may be our last meeting for a while. There is a possibility we’ll get together for the departure of the Volvo round the world ocean race departure on the 18th. We have to get our heads around finishing off our work and getting out of here first.

On the walk back David and I opted for the diversion to the top of the 787ft hill overlooking the town and river. The ladies shirked out of this minor exercise heading straight for the boat and a cold bottle of wine. In the end David and I were not far behind and nor were the cold beers which were well earned.

Beating the Sunday night special offer turnover we paid a visit to the local supermarket to add to our growing supplies of wine for our cruise up to the islands.

Helen wanted to finish off watching the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice. Not my thing so it was back to the XBox for me for a couple of hours diversion.

We finished the day having hot showers aboard using the water heated up via the heat exchanger from the port engine. Nice.

It’s now Monday and the weekend is over. Back to work for us. It’s still early and cold outside so we have the generator on to do a wash and have the A/C set to provide warmth.

I for one am looking forward to our return to Fiji.

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