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Last full day in Whangarei?

After a bit of a slow start I retested all 16 batteries. After the long equalization they all appeared fine with differences no more than 0.03V. I’ve had ads up for a week now around town for the 4 spares and had no takers. I’m not going to throw them away so we’re going to keep them. And keeping them means connecting them so the decision was made.

There was still a lot of work to do to finish up. The inverter/charger had to be resecured. The flooring above the 12 batteries had to be put in. The 4 additional batteries had to be boxed and put in place. This was all done.

While I was doing all this, Helen cleaned the deck which was quite grubby from the time in the yard.

Out and about I sold off the remainder of my battery cables for a half decent amount as well as exchanging a couple of the old 8D battery boxes for some additional distilled water. We had another provisioning run but not as much as before.

In the afternoon our new shades arrived and were installed. They look quite nice and give the outside cockpit area a kind of Bedouin tent feel. We’ll leave them up for now as they also protect the area from wind and rain to a certain extent.

In the evening Vickie and Steve from True Companions came over for pizza and a chat. They’ve just finished a tour of the south island and have returned to their boat.

So. Per the question in the title of this blog entry. Was this our last full day in Whangarei? That would all depend on whether or not the parts arrived for our outboard. They didn’t so it isn’t. We’re here for the weekend at least. That being said, the weather continues to be miserable so our prospects were to go down the river, stick the hook down somewhere and stay indoors for the weekend.

Here we can get off the boat. We may go to the movies today. We have more to do but as we were aiming to escape today most of the major stuff is done.

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