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Tryphena Bay

Are we turning into weather wusses? I don’t know but here we are settling into our second long term hunkering down in as many weeks.

The wind was gradually picking up yesterday so we decided to head ashore for lunch. We took the dinghy over to the dock/landing ramp at Shoal Bay south of us and explored around there. On the way over the wind whipped up the cold water from the bay making me quite wet. Helen, at the bow of the dinghy and on the upwind side, was spared this. Our guidebook said this spot was a good place to load up with shopping so we figured there must be a large shop of some sort here and perhaps, nearby, somewhere to eat. We found neither.

So we took to the dinghy again and headed to the beach we’d walked over the hill to the previous day. We hauled the dinghy up the ramp and off to the side and headed to the shop/restaurant where we both had Fish and Chips for lunch. We met an English couple who we talked to for a while before doing our shopping and heading back to the boat.

Nothing much more to report. Checked the oil/coolant levels on the new engines and that was all fine. As the rest of the day progressed the weather deteriorated. The boat is getting a good wash.

The forecast for the rest of the week is also deteriorating. We want to get to the Coromandel next and that means getting over the Colville Channel which is often quite rough. We’ll be heading south west which means we’ll have the prevailing conditions behind us which is good. The channel can have 2-3 knot currents in each direction so we’ll have to plan well whatever day we go.

For now we’re down to weather watching each day. No idea at the moment when we’ll get out of here.

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