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Cul-de-Sac Marin

A day packed full of excitement. First order of the day was to replace the 2A anchor light with the 0.2A LED anchor light that Bob brought with him from the USA. I got the job of being hauled up the mast on the genekar halyard. Having got to the top I realized I couldn’t quite reach the top due to the pulley being a foot or two from the top of the mast. Fortunately I had brought the digital camera to take pictures so I used to to take pics of the top and to view them on the screen.

I managed to take the cover off but the bulb broke when I tried to remove it. We used the main halyard to haul up a couple of pairs of pliers. In order to see what I was doing I had to pull myself to the top of the mast with my arms, cling to the mast with legs and one arm while working with the pliers. Scary stuff. I tried this several times but all I succeeded in doing was mangling the base of the old bulb and tiring myself out.

On the way down I spent a bit of time taping up the radar cable, a long overdue task. While up there I did take some pics looking down which I’ll post when we’re next on the internet.

After breakfast I went up again, this time on the main halyard. I’d also fashioned some stirrups in case I wanted to stand up. Also taken was some WD40 to help unstick the base of the old bulb. This time success came quickly. We now have a low amp anchor light in place. Can’t wait til this evening when we can turn in on and look at it.

Helen then took everyone to the town to shop while Simon and I prepared the dive gear for a quick splash. Once the rest were back on the boat we assembled a party to go out. Bob and Sharon were to go snorkeling while Simon and I took our dive gear. We dinghied about a mile to a spot indicated by our dive book. The dive and the snorkel were successful and a lot of fun.

Back on the boat we had lunch then moved Dignity into the ‘cul-de-sac’ and anchored close to Marin. We’ve been ashore to look around. Simon, Bob & Jim have been left to look at the internet. Helen and I picked up some shopping and I’m using this time to blog and catch up on a beer.

Because of the continued northerly component of the wind there’s a good chance we’ll sail to St Lucia tomorrow. If we do end up in Rodney Bay Helen and I have decided to go for a curry shoreside. There is an ad in our four year old guidebook for an Indian Restaurant. It could just still be open.


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