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Last night in St Lucia, for now

Before we left the boat this morning we noticed a mooring ball had become free on the opposite side of the bay where the snorkeling was supposed to be better than where we were. We therefore moved the boat over before heading into town.

Rather than pay, collectively, $180 for a trip to the botanical gardens (as we were offered) we walked there. The fee to get in was only $5 each so our walk saved us a fair bit. The botanical gardens were ok – certainly not as fine as those in Deshaies but pleasant all the same. They contained a waterfall fed by a volcanic source. Again, not as good as those in Dominica but it was different in that the rock wall behind it was coloured yellow from the impurities in the water.

Back in town we shopped then had lunch. Had a bit of excitement when a bottle of beer exploded when I put it in the fridge. Before going snorkeling in our new location I cleared us all out of St Lucia. The snorkeling in our new location (called Bat Cave) was excellent and most have been in the water several times.

Now we’re settling in for the evening and preparing for a long sail tomorrow when we head for St Pierre in the north end of Martinique.


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