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NZ->Fiji: Day 1

Day 1 (the second day out) was a bit of a contrast to the first day.

The sea was more choppy leading Sam to feel a little sick.

Overnight it was slightly warmer and a lot less wet.

We caught no fish.

It was a typical second day at sea with everyone aboard adjusting to life at sea.

Throughout the day and night the winds have refused to move into the south east as the early forecasts promised. I jibed to the north west for a while but didn’t like where we were going so put us pack to the north east again. In these choppy seas going wing on wing is not an option. Stopping at Minerva Reef is now becoming an option and the joke is we’re off to Tonga. Whether or not we stop at Minerva is going to be all dependant on the weather. There is a front up near Fiji and we don’t know what’s behind it. We’ll need to wait 2-3 days to see how the forecasts develop and then make a decision. If we stopped at Minerva it would be for one night or four or more as we’d want to avoid a weekend (expensive) arrival in Fiji.

Overnight the seas calmed and by morning the winds died down somewhat. We now have the Code Zero and main out to keep us going. The forecast looks to strengthen and move more into the SE. We’ve seen that before but this time it looks promising.

1 comment to NZ->Fiji: Day 1

  • interesting blog post… my husband and father set sail from opua with the island cruising ass but we have no way of hearing from them, they mustn’t be far from you so it will be cool following your blog. they are heading to minerva also, so if you happen to see a blue 40ft boat called dreamchaser say hi to them from me… happy sailing, look forward to reading your posts. bex

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