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Finally caught a fish

Since we bought the trolling line in Dominica we’ve had it out on practically every sail with no effect. Last night, on a whim, I threw over a hook on a line with a shrimp from dinner as bait and left it overnight. This morning we found what I think was a bar jack on the line. Excitement. Not the only excitement we had overnight. Around 2am, the only other boat in the anchorage, a 51ft charter boat, slipped it’s anchor caught ours and nearly bumped into us. We were awoken by a commotion and joined in the shoving to protect our boats. Fortunately there was no damage.

2 comments to Finally caught a fish

  • Sue

    Hi there

    CONGRATULATIONS on your first fish.

    Jay says it is a Trevally (aka Jack) and jolly delicious too. Did you cook and eat it????


  • steve

    Thanks for the congrats. I should have said that as it was caught by the coast and we have no information on ciguatera (reef fish poisoning) we let it go.

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