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Anse Matin

Our stay in Case Pilote ended up being quite short. All except for Helen did go ashore for a while but the charm of the ‘quaint fishing village’ was fairly limited. It was more of a fledgeling fishing factory with a bit of a town next to it. There was a pretty main square but that was about it.

We therefore left in the morning and headed to the other side of the bay from Fort-de-France. We first tried anchoring in Trois-Islets but found the water to be murky and the bottom muddy and hard to anchor in. We ended up off Anse Matin, a touristy beach, around the corner. The water was clearer and allowed for some snorkeling.

Later this morning we’ll be off to Fort-de-France so that our guests can leave early in the morning. We’ll do some more loading up of cheap French wine and will probably take a bus trip to visit the malls in the Industrial Zone. Most importantly we should be able to get an internet connection, catch up on the last weeks mail and upload all our pics.


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