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Rained in

The boat is now very clean. That’s the best thing I can say about yesterday. The reality is that it rained all day. Heavily most of the time and lightly occasionally.

Paul, Sam and I had a dive planned with a local instructor but that was postponed until today because of the weather.

We made a few brave forays when the rain looked light – always coming back soaking wet. The main one was to load up on gasoline/petrol for the dinghy and to pick up some groceries and a Fiji courtesy flag.

In the evening we went ashore to eat a BBQ dinner at the Copra Shed Marina. There we saw some Fijian dancing (as we did at the same event last year). Not too many people showed up for the BBQ due to the weather.

Sam went back ashore to meet up with some medical students he’d run into earlier in the week. The dinghy is back so he must be. We’ll find out how he got on later.

This morning we plan to move the boat and anchor out at the resort at the end of the peninsular here. Hopefully the weather will be ok and we can call the dive instructor out for our dive. Otherwise we’ll get a couple of days out of town.

Savusavu has very localized weather. We heard from others who left town for the day that they had no rain at all. Last year we witnessed heavy rain over Savusavu while we were anchored out and had blue skies over us. Hopefully we’ll escape the rain.

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