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Back in Melbourne

The flight back to Melbourne was uneventful and only slightly delayed. It was a late evening flight so we didn’t get back until 2am. We went straight to bed.

While we were at Brisbane airport we briefly checked our email. We noticed a new blog comment which made me feel quite emotional. A long time ago I explained the rationale for calling our boat Dignity. It was very much down to a song titled ‘Dignity’ by a band called Deacon Blue. Probably best for you to read the comment yourself to see why.

Gordon has put a clip from the video taken from his phone onto youtube. Take a look.


Today we had no lie in as we had to be off to Moorabbin to see the haematology and radiology specialists to discuss treatment options. They’d also had a bit more time to look at the numerous MRIs taken at the hospital to give us a more definitive analysis of the treatment so far. The high level summary is that I have had a ‘good response’ to the chemo which is nice to hear but not a ‘complete response’ which is what we would have liked to hear.

The continued treatment plan is essentially what we had been told before but we learned some more detail about the things happening soon. We have a busy schedule ahead. On Thursday we go to Alfred Hospital to kick off the stem cell harvest. I won’t be staying in the hospital straight away. I’ll be shown how to self administer the drugs (which we pick up tomorrow, Wednesday) that will liberate stem cells from my blood. This will start straight away and continue over the weekend.

On Friday we go back to the radiologists to begin the prep work. In order to hold me really still during the treatment they need to make a face fitting mask. This work starts on Friday.

On Monday I go back to Alfred hospital to begin the stem cell harvest. I understand this is very much like dialysis where they’ll plug me into a machine for the day which takes out my blood, extracts the stem cells and puts the blood back in.

If they collect enough cells I’ll be out that day otherwise I’ll stay in the hospital for another day or two until they have enough.

Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on the above, I have a second appointment with the radiologists to complete the prep work. During one of these two visits I’ll have a few small tattoos put on me to make lining up the machine consistent and accurate.

Soon after starts the radiology. The current thinking is that I’ll have 20 rounds of low dose treatment over 4 weeks. Each round of treatment will only take about an hour with only 5 minutes on the machine.

There is a strong chance my bone marrow will be affected and it’s possible that this could be quite bad. If so, the harvested cells will be put back in.

A short time after all this finishes I get two more rounds of chemo, this time on a different drug to what I’ve had before. Then, I should be done.

This evening we are back having dinner with our extended family.  It was really nice to see Russ, Ros and Jack again.

I’ll leave you for now with a picture of my new hairstyle. I don’t have long to get used to it as the radiologist assures me it’s all going to fall out.


2 comments to Back in Melbourne

  • mick sutton

    ok, your hair will fall out, but look on the bright side, no more shaving your armpits for a while!

  • Dave & Jacqui Jackster

    Hi Guys, I’m not very good with medical terms, but I’m not bad with jokes, so I’ll stick with what I do best.
    A woman has to take her top prize winning show dog for an operation which involves shaving some of it’s hair off. Fearing she was going to miss out on the top prize in the next forthcoming dog show, she goes to the chemist for some hair restorer. The chemist seeing she has a full head of hair asks what’s it for? ‘It’s for my Chihuahua!’ she states. He selects the most appropriate product and she asks his advice for the most rapid hair growth. He thinks for a moment then says ‘Apply twice a day and I would suggest for the next week you don’t ride your bike’.

    Joking aside, Jacqui and I (like your huge audience out there) are following your positive attitude and recovery.
    PS, we are on our way to Oz and hope to catch up with you both.

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