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And then there were two

The highlight from Wednesday was reuniting with Ken and Laurie from Trim. We had a fabulous meal with them at a nearby Mexican and even more fabulous conversation. They’re currently off on a road trip to central Australia. This is on our bucket list so we’re looking forward to meeting up with them again in the New Year to learn of their experience. We won’t have time to do a road trip on this visit to Australia but we now have so many reasons to return one day that this must happen. For us, this really is the way to experience Australia and Uluru (Ayers Rock) as opposed to flying in with a gaggle of tourists.

I have spent a fair bit of time working on connecting to the UK health system, in particular, getting connected to the consultant I want. We’re not there yet but the fight is on and I intend to win it. I am confident I will.

Helen and I went out yesterday to buy in our last pressies and stock up on seasonal refreshments. That’s now all done and everything wrapped, except for the things still on delivery. And that leads me on to ….

In my last blog I asked how can life get any more exciting. Well. When I learned that Ben had indeed received my Nexus 4 in the US I cancelled the order here. Twice. Once through a support ticket and once through the online support chat line. Just to be sure. This morning I received and email informing me they had shipped the unit. I have discussed this with Helen. If it is delivered, she’s going to have one too. The second one of course. Life is more exciting. We’ll now be able to play scrabble, without a board, just like Sarah and Russ.

1 comment to And then there were two

  • Colin

    Hope you have an enjoyable time partaking of your seasonal refreshments and you enjoy your Xmas toys.
    All the best for the festive season.
    Colin & Judy

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