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After a few too many days slouching we decided we needed a bit more exercise. So Helen and I went back to the nearby Dandenongs for another walk. This time we headed for the Sherbrooke area to see the falls. Can’t say I was bowled over by the falls but the woods were very pleasant and the walk very much needed and welcome. Even better, the egg sandwiches that Helen made tasted almost deliciously like egg sandwiches.

After spending nearly two hours walking this area we headed over to the Sky High section where we had fantastic, albeit misty, views over to Melbourne. Here there was also a maze so unsurprisingly, Helen dragged me in. It was kind of fun but not overly challenging.

Back ‘home’ we all reunited with Patrick. He’s a guide dog graduate now ready for his first ‘client’ that the Barber’s brought in and raised from a puppy until ready for his training. Now over the Xmas break they get to have him home before he’s off to work. A nice thrill for all the family.

In the evening Sarah cooked up DIY burritos. These also tasted delicious and just like burritos. Coupled with a pack of milk chocolate hob nobs (the biscuit world’s answer to crack cocaine) which also tasted remarkably like milk chocolate hob nobs I am feeling hopeful that my taste may be recovering faster than the one year we had been led to expect.

Best news of the day was a response from University College London confirming another step closer to the consultant I wish to take over my care in the UK. Life is good.

Worst frustration of the day is that there was no tracking activity on either of our Nexus 4 phones. Life is not so good. Nah – it’s still good. We had a really fun game of Pictionary after dinner last night. Not that any of us are competitive.

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