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The last few days have been mainly R&R. In hindsight I realize I’ve really overdone it recently. I finished 6 months of brutal treatment and felt like superman. Acting like superman, so to speak, was not the best thing to do. My body eventually told me so.

After a few days of rest I’m feeling quite a bit better but not as good as I’d like. It’s all a learning experience. I must confess my mind did drift to alternate explanations for my condition. I didn’t like it.

There is a common condition called cancer fatigue. What I have been feeling seems to fit the description. It’s common and comes with a lot of guidelines. I’m following them.

This morning I had my final MRI. 90 minutes in the machine is a long time but they had a lot to scan. It’s now the evening and there’s been no calls from the hospital. That, if I may use a macabre expression, puts a nail in the coffin of my worst fears. Next Tuesday we see my senior consultant here and get to learn the full results.

More good news in that the PAs of the various Profs are now chatting about my medical records. Hopefully this will progress without complication. We also managed to pick up a digital copy of my first MRI from last June – the one that triggered my emergency input into the Australian hospital system. They all came on a DVD complete with software to view them. It’s a strange thing seeing the inside of your own head.

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