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Around Grahamstown

Over the last few days we’ve continued to help my parents out with there move. We’re not rushing and doing things bit by bit. But we’re slowly getting through things.

Over the weekend, my sister, Jay and Sarah headed off to their home in Port Alfred while Max remained in Grahamstown with his friends and staying over at my parents old home (which is now theirs). Helen and I went to see him play basketball on Saturday morning. On Sunday he popped round to us for most of the day. I took him out to play Ingress. Using the car was a lot easier than walking but it was still a struggle. Torrential storms made visibility difficult and the internet was down for a while. I still think I may be having phone data problems (which can be fixed by tethering one phone through another – bizarre). We were out for quite some time and I think Max very much enjoyed it. Perhaps even more than I did.

I still have a few photos to post but haven’t got around to it. Today we have a fair bit to do including visiting the local dentist who we’ve used before. Mainly for checkup but I do have a chip on one tooth that needs to be resolved.


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