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An insidious evil caught

Practically everyone now must know of the happy ending to the Amanda Berry kidnapping. That is one evil episode over, in a way, except for rebuilding the lives of those affected. I am full of admiration for the neighbour whose first thought was to give any reward money due to the victims as he had just received his paycheck and didn’t need is much as they did.

But another insidious evil has been totally caught out. And that is the psychic medium Sylvia Browne who told Amanda Berry’s mother she was dead, even giving her mother a last message from the grave. Sylvia Browne makes a pretty tidy living out of this utter crap. I hope she now has to go and find a proper job. Better still, perhaps this is a lesson (for many folks on this planet it’s been obvious all along) that psychic quackery is an evil trade that profits on others most emotionally vulnerable moments. I see it as nothing less than mental rape. It should not be tolerated by any decent / moral society.

PS. We’re currently in Cornwall and have had a few stops on the way. I promise to blog about it soon. I just felt I had to air my disgust of Sylvia Browne and all the parasites like her.

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