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To Cornwall

Taking advantage of the fact that our friends Anne and John were in the country last weekend, we decided to take a break.

First stop was Swindon on Monday to visit Anne and John who were staying with their son Martin. As the weather was nice we decided to have lunch at the Red Lion, Avebury. This pub has the distinction of being inside a stone circle.

We had a wander around the standing stones, the nearby village and over to, but not up, Silbury Hill.

John had work on in Zurich so was whisked away shortly before 5pm. Helen and I spent the evening with Anne before and stayed the night.

The next morning we were off to Yate to visit Ben, Sarah’s father. Sarah is Helen’s cousin who looked after us last year.

Another pub dinner was in order for evening meal. We drove over to the Severn River and watched the sun setting over Wales from the vantage point offered by the mount on which St Arida Church was built. This time final destination was The Anchor Inn at Oldbury-on-Severn.

The next day our destination was Penzance, Cornwall, to visit Helen’s sister and her husband, Robin. To break the trip, we stopped off at Launceton to visit the old castle there. The weather had now turned cold and it started to rain while we were there so the castle visit was brief.

For now, here’s a few pics, including some from Henley-on-Thames.

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