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A Few Days in Cornwall

The last few days have been largely influenced by my feeling unwell. It’s possible I picked up a flu or cold from a friend as my initial symptoms have been similar to his. My recovery period seems to have been a lot longer requiring long periods of rest and sleep. I’ve even stayed off the booze. Mostly.

For the last day or so I’ve been improving so that’s good news. Of course, with the big L hanging over us, anything like this has an additional concern. Got to find the right balance between self assessment and obsession.

With pretty poor weather, this has meant we’ve spent most of the time at home with Lois and Robin. We have been out and about though. We’ve had a walk around Penzance in blistering cold wind. Stuck in my mind is the image of a listtle old lady hauling herself along a wall against the wind. We’ve visited Helen’s brother Peter and his wife Dianne. And we’ve been out for a circular walk from Treen where we started, stopped and dined at The Logan Rock Inn.

Sunday was very much a day of rest. Today we start heading home. We’ll stop off again at Ben’s as we did on the way down. This time we hope to see nephew Simon who will be there at the same time. Tomorrow we’ll go back to Henley for a second viewing of the property we are looking into before, perhaps, taking in he new Star Trek movie.

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