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Brief update

The trip back to Henley was a little mixed. The recent period of colder and wetter than normal (which sounds normal for the UK) had failed to abate so the town’s charms were not available for us. The property we were revisiting, on a second viewing, looked more tatty than we remembered and we both left feel less enthusiastic towards it.

(Incidentally, these are the last pics I plan to capture from my phone as I now have a replacement for my old camera still stuck in “Lens Error”)

The estate agent knows we won’t be making any decisions until after our specialist visit on June 11th. He said there already is an alternate offer on the place. We said we wouldn’t compromise our position. If the place is still available when we’re happy to make a decision then it’s still possible I suppose.

In contrast, the Star Trek movie, Into Darkness, was a lot of fun.

That evening we went to the Aylesbury Lymphoma Support group seeing some now familiar faces.

On Saturday we drove to Guildford to attend the Lymphoma Association AGM and patient/carer conference. It was a very interesting day, particularly hearing of current developments for new treatments. Prof Linch was a guest speaker. Although we were in front of him, four rows back, he didn’t recognize us.

Helen’s persuaded me to book an early appointment to see him about my recent drowsiness which is stubbornly refusing to go away.


2 comments to Brief update

  • It’s interesting to see the pictures of the houses you are considering. I love the difference in architecture from one country to another (favorite show = Grand Designs Abroad)! My Dad always said the best time to view a property is during the rain. If the house can lift your spirits (and stay dry inside) that’s a good sign. Good luck with the search and the doctor! Trish

  • Anonymous

    Hello Steve, I am Rodney Whale and your dad and I frequently corresponded regarding family history. The Gui;ld of One-Name Studies are trying to make comment with your mother or you regarding your dad’s genealogical records. E-mail;s to his two inboxes are bouncing possibly because they are full.
    My e-mail address is
    Can you please contact me with an e-mail address for yourself in the hope that the matter can be resolved.
    Regards, Rod.

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