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A Tale of Two Doctors

On Monday, I saw my GP principally to talk to him about my recent knee X-Rays. Turns out I have some early thinning of the cartilage – something to watch. I also complained about the lack of contact from any physio for my shoulder and asked to start the process again, this time with my private health insurance (may as well use it). He agreed. We’ll see.

I also talked about my general health, my recent lethargy/tiredness and my even more recent recurrence of an apparant infection in my cheek ‘insect bite’. He ordered blood tests to which I had to go to Amersham hospital making their 4pm close by the skin of my teeth. Now we have to wait a few days.

Today Helen and I went to see Prof Linch. He also ordered blood tests which were taken before our appointment. Within minutes I had the results in my hand. Some of the readings were below normal but entirely consistent with what we went through last year. He was worried about my cheek infection and is ordering an appointment with a dermatologist. He gave me a thorough examination after which he decided to move the MRI forward. We don’t know if this because he saw something or because, on balance, he reckons appeasing our worries is more beneficial than waiting two more weeks. Regardless, the result is, I know have my MRI booked for tomorrow and will probably see Prof Linch the following Tuesday.

We’re so glad we can learn one way or the other sooner rather than later. Although I feel a little better today it’s hard not to dispel the dreaded ‘R’ (relapse) word from our minds. We’ve not discussed this directly but have both expressed our worries to each other which indirectly amounts to the same thing.

So hopefully we’ll get a general all clear. If not we have to find the strength to go back into battle. Can’t say this thrills either of us, particularly with our plans for this year. I think we had both hoped we’d have more of a reprieve than what we may only have got. It’s a bit tough thinking about all this at the moment.

3 comments to A Tale of Two Doctors

  • John & Jose Reyden

    Hi Steve and Helen, just want to say all the best for the MRI and subsequent Doctor’s visit. Hope it will be fine x

  • Vicky Ratnavira.

    Hi thinking of you every day and following your blog.

  • lew randal and Tracey M.

    Hi Steve, Helen. Following your every post. Lew is on a motor bike weekend up to Jacks with his bikie buddies. We are sending big hugs to you both. Wishing you the best for your MRI. We’ve got you both tucked up nice and tight in our hearts. Much love xxxx

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