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A Day Out With Friends

The rain continued throughout this morning. We’d very much settled on the idea of another day doing not a lot when it began to lighten up a little. After a brief Skype with Bees Knees we decided to chance a trip into Castries.

Deciding to all go in one Dinghy, Jim and Anne collected us and took us ashore. Before we’d even crossed the road coming out of the marina a bus was arriving. It was the usual mini bus stuffed with damp people that we’ve grown to love down here in the islands.

The fare was less than a dollar each all the way into Castries. We didn’t really see much of the scenery as we chatted most of the way.

We arrived right by the fruit market of which I took a couple of photos last time around. By now it was close to lunchtime and we were all hungry. We looked for and found local food in one of the booths in the market, one with a couple of tables outside. There were in fact quite a few booths offering variations on much the same thing so it was hard to choose among them. Nevertheless we found one we liked the look of and ordered our various rotis and drinks. It was delicious. And very good value too.

After lunch it was a case of walking around town, looking at shops, etc. Jim bought some food for his parakeet. I managed to buy a 50ft network cable that is long enough to run down inside my mast for the wifi box I have up there.

On the way back to the bus we all picked up fruit from the market. Then it was back to Rodney Bay and back to the boats. We’d had light rain on and off all afternoon but the skies opened up as we reached the boats. Our timing was almost perfect. Now it’s time to rest before we head back to Bees Knees for dinner there.

Tomorrow I hope the rain breaks. I want to go up the mast and install the new cable. The current one has a join in the middle which has been causing problems (never ending it seems). A single cable should do the trick. We also plan to reclimb the small hills of Pigeon Island if the weather agrees to let us.

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