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Vieux Fort

Around lunch time we went into Vieux Fort to have a look around town. We found a great little restaurant called Old Plantation that was recommended in our guide book. Unfortunately I forgot the camera so no pics of this place unfortunately. I had a large bowl of soup/stew (goat I think) and Helen had fish & veg.

After lunch we walked around town some more and found a supermarket where we bought chocolate and something to take home in May. Overall, the town was middling in size with more than average decay despite the fact the streets were populous and active.

We have since moved Dignity away from the harbour wall about 500ft to a nearby beach. In doing so we’ve lost our access to the internet (boo hoo). That makes for a quiet night in. Where we are is frequented by sudden gusts so not as quiet as it could be. We’ll probably watch a movie tonight.


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