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Playing with the Hookah

Another ‘busy’ day today. This morning I researched options for haulout in Grenada and Trinidad as we’ll need to get Dignity’s bottom repainted at some time and summer seems the best time for it. The paints doing ok but there are a lot of whit spots from the last barnacle removal effort. Each time there are more and I suspect it’ll go exponential sometime in the next 6-9 months. Best to get the work done when we’re stuck somewhere and now is a good time to find out where to go and book things up.

We also managed to go out for a Hookah dive. This morning it was prep for Helen so we could make sure she had the right weights and felt accustomed to using the equipment. The Hookah was left on the boat while we ran the hose overboard and swam around in the water behind the boat. All went well until Helen spotted a translucent eel which made her feel all wobbly.

This afternoon we went over to a nearby dive spot with all the gear loaded in the dinghy and went out there. Helen has been suffering from nausea when snorkeling and diving and is bit by bit pushing the envelope on what she can manage. Today was a big milestone – she did well and had fun doing so (except for the weird eel).

This evening we’re eating ashore with Anne and Jim. We’re meeting up at the Green Boley which sells the cheapest drinks we could find. There we’ll decide where to go next. Right now it’s a toss up between the Mexican restaurant (with no Mexicans) and Cocos – a medium priced creole restaurant. Anne and Jim have invited another couple they met in Venezuela last year. It’s always great to meet new people. We can also learn a bit from them about our haul out options in Trinidad and Grenada.

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