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Crazy Day

The morning went well. Helen wasn’t up for a dive so I invited Anne and Jim to use the Hookah. In the end Anne came snorkeling and Jim came down on the Hookah with me (don’t laugh). We dove for about an hour and saw quite a few eels, lobsters and many, many fish. Great dive.

This afternoon I went ashore to get our dive tanks refilled ready for the reefs ahead. On the way back I noticed 2 of the 3 strands of our bridle holding the anchor had snapped. Turns out we hadn’t given enough slack on the chain so when the wind blew and the rope stretched the chain came up and the shackle rubbed the bridle. Good job I spotted it. In the process of switching it out for a dock line I laid my hat and sunglasses down and before long they blew in the water. I kept an eye on them while I emptied my pockets and Helen fetched my mask. Just before reaching the stern they sank and disappeared. I expected them to show off the stern but I never saw them again. I dove in and searched for a tan hat over similar coloured rocks and sand with my mask steaming up. Never found them.

So back into town to obtain a replacement bridle. This was a job I meant to do anyway as I reckon the one we had was a bit too short. Bequia is probably not the cheapest place to do this job but it was forced on us. While it was being prepared Helen and I went for a walk but the road we took was a bit naff.

Plenty of lessons learned on this one. Fortunately nothing so nasty as an adrift boat was involved but I’m a bit annoyed with myself for losing my hat and sunglasses.

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