A few more things have been ordered and delivered to make life comfortable here in our flat. We now have a washing machine, TV and PVR (so we don’t get locked into a timetable). Some smaller items (like drying stands, bathroom cabinets, etc.) are also in and installed. In amongst all this we’ve had the pleasure of Bao’s company for a couple of days. A lot less gets done when she’s around but that doesn’t matter at all. We have a few pics and video but we’ll put them together next week once she heads off to Australia. We also were visited by another of Helen’s sisters which was a pleasure.
I’ve had a couple of visits to the local GPs. One was to have my bite looked at. I was definitely infected. Good old penicillin was prescribed and it’s done a lot of good. The doctor also accepted the referral from the specialist in South Africa for my shoulder ‘impingement’ and agreed to arrange a physio. This morning, Helen and I had an extended visit with our assigned GP to fill him in on the past year, the arrangements we’ve already made here in the UK, and other issues (like my knees which are beginning to cause trouble). He agreed the approach we’d take to get on Prof. Linch’s books and ordered a referral letter which will connect them up and get the communications going. He also ordered X-Rays for my knees to see if anything is developing. Progress of a sorts. I think establishing the lines of communication was the biggest result as that can only help later on.
Helen and I also met up with the local ‘chapter’ of the Lymphoma Association at a nearby garden center restaurant. We met a number of carers and patients at various stages of experience from wait and see, to pre-chemo, to many year post remission. As ever, amongst our little group of fellow experiencees (my new word) the get together was jovial and upbeat and we met some interesting people. We didn’t get to spend time with nearly everyone and are looking forward to meeting the group again.
We are marching through the admin. Whole rafts of organisations being contacted to register our change of domicality / address / phone numbers, etc. Particularly with the financial institutions, each has a different way to accomplish this so it’s a bit of a chore tracking all the various streams of activity. A little way into this I realized we’ll be doing it all again by year end so I back tracked and started making detailed records of everything I was doing so it will be a lot easier next time. One thing we’ve learned, and got pretty annoyed about, is the shift towards premium rate phone numbers for all customer support here in the guise of free phone numbers. It seems everyone is doing it. After spending years in so many different countries, we’ve arrived back to what seems to be a rip off culture. Maybe it’s just a part of land life that’s evolved in our absence that we’re just going to learn how to accommodate. And don’t get me onto how we’ve been scammed by the car hire company.
Looking ahead. More family visits. Bao again tomorrow and the last of Helen’s sisters to meet. Nephew Simon is flying down from Edinburgh to help us buy a car. Next Monday is a big day as it is our first appointment with Prof. Linch to continue my Lymphoma care and, more importantly, begin to advance our understanding of prospects which in turn will feed into our other streams of thought.
We have not yet looked at other houses but while out and about we’ve been taking side trips to get superficial looks at some of the nearby towns and villages. Immediate settlement and family have taken priority for the last week and continue to do so. I’m guessing that sometime next week we’ll be in a position to begin looking at individual houses and looking at towns in detail.