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Out and about with the family

The Monday trip to Hampton Court was interesting. We were joined by the extended family: Betty, Paul, Emily, David, Tara and little Oliver. The only disappointment was missing the maze which closed earlier. Had I known it boiled down to a choice between seeing an old vine or visiting the maze I would definitely have gone for the latter.

Tuesday we all headed into London and moved into our accommodation near Camden Town. Having settled in we explored the market area separately. We ate out in the evening at a local pub/restaurant.

Yesterday was almost a disaster. Helen and I had to visit a US lawyer for some ongoing work we have to sort out. We agreed to meet the Ben, Sam and Amy at 1pm at the front of the British Museum. Our meeting went well so we had a good walk around the museum. We started waiting for the kids about 12:45 and gave up at 1:40 thinking they may be lost. As we walked towards the gates Ben rushed up and caught up with us. They’d been waiting at the back entrance. We hadn’t thought to look for an alternate entrance and they’d only just figured out they may be at the wrong place. A few seconds later and we’d have completely missed each other.

The vote went for a trip to the Science Museum so we spent a couple of hours there. Next we stopped off at Embankment, took a look at the river then headed up to Trafalgar Square. After a bit of sightseeing we found a pub, had a couple of drinks before heading off to Chinatown for a very tasty dinner.

Today we may go off to see the new Olympic Park and then go to Greenwich. Haven’t discussed this with the kids yet (they’re all asleep) so the plan remains open.

In the meantime I have been having almost daily communications with DHL regarding the shipment of our parts to the boatyard. The latest news is that we need to be there to sign for the parts or otherwise we’ll have to pay temporary bonds, etc. Haven’t got time to sort out the latter so now we’re trying to arrange deliver on Monday afternoon when we’ll be there. Fortunately the techs won’t need the parts until Wednesday so although it’s tight it’s doable.

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