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Family all together

On Saturday morning I headed off to the airport to pick up Ben, Sam and Amy. Overnight Chesham, where we are staying, had a record low temperature. By the time I set off it had warmed to a balmy -13C. There was some trouble on the motorway but I took an alternative route to the airport and made it with plenty of time to spare as the plan was a bit late too.

It was obviously great to see Ben and Sam again and to meet Amy for the first time.

Back at Betty’s we had some time together before family started tickling in to meet up. John, Ella and Bao all arrived too so it was a great get together.

The kids were keen to occupy their time so yesterday we took a trip over to Bletchley Park where all the WWII decryption of the Enigma traffic took place. They now have a working replica of the Bombe machine that was used to hunt down the Enigma keys. Fascinating piece of electromechanical wizardry.

Today we’re off to Hampton Court to have a look at that piece of British history.

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