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Itinerary for next February

We now have power returned to us so I can now post my earlier work on our itinerary for next February ….

Saturday, 16th

Travel to BVIs, arrive early evening. Go straight to Nanny Cay, settle in then it’s Painkillers and dinner at Peg Legs.

Sunday, 17th

In the morning, receive provisions preordered from Bobby’s […]

Power Cut

This morning, I was busy putting together a blog entry covering our february itinerary when we lost power to the house. Fortunately I was working on my laptop so the battery saved my work. But I was unable to post. However, this allows me to pretend we are out at sea and our only contact […]

A few more pictures

To celebrate just 10 weeks to go till we get to see Dignity, here are just a few more pictures of Dignity from back in October …


The Smell of Fresh Bread

A realtor of ours who once spent a year cruising the Caribbean has extolled the value of a breadmaker aboard on several occasions. He says there is nothing like waking up to the smell of fresh bread baking. There are many who may think this is an extravagance aboard a boat but anyway, last weekend […]

Blogging by email

I have now been able to set up the ability to post blog entries via email. This means I can post entries without the need for a browser. This message is being sent from my phone. It also means I can post blog entries using the email facility over short wave – when I eventually […]