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Steve: Day 15

686nm to go.

I changed the year old trolling lines for new lines – the same as we put on the line we gave to Leu Cat (that has been catching tuna). I made up a new lure to replace the latest loss the same as the lure we gave. The lines were out all […]

John: Day 14

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Helen: Day 14

As we head west, dawn and sunrise gets later and later on our current time system. My 8 am shift now occurs at dawn. My favourite time of the day. With my cup of coffee, I sit up at the helm and watch the world light up. The sun slowly peeks up over the horizon […]

Steve: Day 14

825nm to go.

On day 14 we had some delicious wind powered bread. By wind powered I mean that it was needed and cooked electrically in the bread maker using power from the boat which in turn was collected through the props the night before. Without going to the bother of figuring it out I […]

Helen: Day 13

Today I had slight anxiety attack. It wasn’t because we were on a plastic boat, being tossed around like a speck on a vast ocean, a thousand miles from the nearest land. It wasn’t the realisation that there are potential fronts bringing possible squalls or storms. It wasn’t the knowledge that the continuous pounding of […]