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Baie d’Hakahetou, Ua-Pou

En route to Ua-Pou I tried hailing Whiskers a couple of times but received no response either time. Later on, to our delight, we heard them hailing us quite legibly. We said our hellos and checked where we each were and where we were heading. Turned out they had left Nuku-Hiva and were on their […]

Baie Haavei, Ua-Huka

After washing ourselves down and filling our water containers we headed round the corner to Baie Haavei. We were treated to the sights of more red rocks this time enriched as the sun lowered in the sky as the day wore on. John and I tried snorkeling along the coast but found the water not […]

Baie de Vaipaee, Ua-Huka

The sail over from Hiva-Oa to Ua-Huka was a breeze with the wind alternating between being off our beam and a reach. We arrived a good hour before sunset. The bay we arrived in reminds us of Arizona. Arid and dry with red rocks like Sedona turning into patches of green. The valley along which […]

Change of plans

The notion that you’re free to go wherever you want, whenever you want in a sailboat is a myth. Well you can as long as the wind and weather lets you. We set sail this morning at first light assuming the winds would be similar to yesterday. They’ve turned out quite light so we don’t […]

Hapatoni & Bahia Hanamenu

Around 8am we went ashore to explore Hapatoni. This little village is less touched by modern life than the others we’ve seen. There was a communal area with poles carved in a local fashion as were one or two other buildings. They had a church similar in style to the one in Vaitahu only somewhat […]