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Baie de Vaipaee, Ua-Huka

The sail over from Hiva-Oa to Ua-Huka was a breeze with the wind alternating between being off our beam and a reach. We arrived a good hour before sunset. The bay we arrived in reminds us of Arizona. Arid and dry with red rocks like Sedona turning into patches of green. The valley along which the stream runs is lush with vegetation.

We didn’t go ashore last night but we did this morning. We walked up the valley past another local church which had some very interesting carvings.

Next stop was a little museum which showed off a lot of Polynesian artifacts. For such a small place the museum had so much to see.

The village had three shops which we went into to look for things to buy on the way back. We then headed off out of the valley to the arboreum in the next valley along. Although it was early in the morning it was already getting hot and sweaty. Fortunately we were picked up by a local who took us the rest of the way. The arboreum was interesting but not up to some of the horticultural gardens we’ve seen. Most of it was a cultivated orchard.

We again caught a ride on the way back to Vaipaee where we stopped off at the shops to pick up some food.

There is fresh water at the dock here from which we’ll fill our bottles and have a wash. Our water maker part is still in New Zealand although it’s still due to arrive in Tahiti tomorrow. Fingers crossed it’s on a flight in the next 24 hours.

We’re going to move the boat around the corner to the next bay to wait out the day in readiness for an early start to Ua-Pou tomorrow.


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