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Baie Haavei, Ua-Huka

After washing ourselves down and filling our water containers we headed round the corner to Baie Haavei. We were treated to the sights of more red rocks this time enriched as the sun lowered in the sky as the day wore on. John and I tried snorkeling along the coast but found the water not that clear as the swell was coming round the corner into the bay. We walked the beach before heading back to the boat.


As I type we’re already 2 hours on our way to Ua-Pou. Whereas yesterday evening when we were teased with the sight of the volcanic spires off in the distance, today the island is shrouded in clouds. We can’t even see Nuku-Hiva 20 odd miles off to our north.

Last night we heard our friends on Whiskers on the VHF radio way off in the distance. We tried to make contact and we managed a brief hello before the static overwhelmed us. As we close the distance on Nuku-Hiva and Ua-Pou we’ll try and contact them again to find out where they are. We’ve not seen them since the San Blas on the other side of Panama. It will be nice to catch up.

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