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NZ->Fiji Day 5

Another deliberately slow day. Paul helped me raise the Code Zero early morning and we spent most of the day plodding along, enjoying the warm weather and chatting. I put the fishing line with a cedar plug lure and gave Paul the choice of lures to put on the hand line. He chose the […]

NZ->Fiji Day 4

Day 4 was very much a recovery day, one where all the crews spirits were lifted. The pounding northwesterlies had shifted to the south and the seas were beginning to subside. Everyone woke up feeling better than on any previous day.

A morning analysis of the coming weather using more detailed forecast downloads revealed more […]

NZ->Fiji Day 3

The north westerlies kept it up all day and brought up lumpy seas. The day became quite demanding on the minds and bodies of Dignity’s crew. When we weren’t on shift we were each invariably asleep or lying down to minimise the effects of the constant motion. I did fish for all of about 20 […]

NZ->Fiji Day 2

Day 2 the winds died on us. After a while sailing along at 3 knots lost it’s charm so we fired up the genny. The forecast suggested stronger northwesterlies overnight so I motored north expecting to make our desired distance to the east during the north westerly. The weather was generally fine and warm. In […]

NZ->Fiji Day 1

Our departure time was in some doubt due to a threatened early afternoon front. To settle this I was able to listen in to the real time wind measurements around the north island as well as look at the hourly rain radar images from metservice. We were allowed to clear out in the morning even […]