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NZ->Fiji Day 1

Our departure time was in some doubt due to a threatened early afternoon front. To settle this I was able to listen in to the real time wind measurements around the north island as well as look at the hourly rain radar images from metservice. We were allowed to clear out in the morning even though we were possibly leaving in the afternoon. Having cleared, paid our marina fees and received our duty frees I checked the weather once more. The rain radar showed the rain fizzling out and I could get a good read on how the front was coming over in terms of the effect over time on the various stations. I made the call to leave and by 11am we were off.

We knew the first days passage would be lumpy and it was. We all ended up feeling worse for wear (still do) and only I escaped the fully consequence of sea sickness.

We made good progress despite the choppy seas and at times were sailing nicely between 7 and 8 knots. Overnight the seas have calmed and so have the winds. The new sails are working better than the old in the light winds. Given the state of the crew, I won’t order the Code Zero out unless the wind lightens considerably more.

Our course is taking us slightly east of the direct line to Savusavu. There is a possibility that easterly trades will settle in toward the end of this passage so I want to be on the same longitude as our destination if/when this happens.

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