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Ready and waiting

We spent our final day provisioning and performing our final preps for the trip.  In theory our provisioning trip should have replaced the food that we’ve eaten in the last week.  Somehow it was a lot more.  On the way back we dropped Paul off so he could walk the coastal path back.

After lunch we did the boat prep.  That involved strapping the dinghy to the davits, tying the kayak over the davits, setting up the jacklines, inspecting the genset and checking the contents of the ditch bag.

We had a quiet evening, this time obeying my pre-passage rule of no-alcohol so that we’re fully rested for the trip.

Now it’s a matter of waiting.  The forecast says we’ll have northeasterlies until sometime when they’ll shift to northwesterlies.  That’s more or less our cue to go.  There is a radio channel that provides real time wind measurements around the country so we can get a sense of where and when the change is occuring.  Right now, and overnight we’ve had no wind at all.  It could be due to the shelter of the bay.  Won’t know until I tune in.  Although unexpected this will certainly provide us calmer seas than we had expected from earlier forecasts.  This is already showing on the marine forecasts.

Hopefully, our next communication will be while we’re at sea.  Don’t forget our ‘Where are we?‘ page.  I publish our position a few times per day so you’ll get an idea where we are.  I find our ‘Position History‘ from winlink pretty interesting as each point can be clicked to read our speed and course.


The key weather feature dictating our start is a front expected to come over the area today.  It will be rainy and unpleasant underneath it with our desired north westerlies tucking in behind.  Projections suggest our departure will be mid-afternoon sometime.

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