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Fiji->NZ: Day 0

In the morning we went ashore one final time to have breakfast and say our goodbyes to everyone. Knowing how much I liked them Latu, the female lead of the dance group, promised to make Helen one so we absolutely have to go back to Likuri Island next time we’re in Fiji to collect.

By […]

Really the last day in Fiji

The first part of the morning was spent readying the boat for ocean sailing. That mainly meant tidying things up a little more than normal as well as putting on the jack lines around the boat to allow safe movement around the deck in bad weather. On the way over to our ‘secret’ location our […]

Cleared out

We’re officially no longer in Fiji. Except right now, we’re not sailing. So where are we? Well, it probably wouldn’t be wise to say.

What I can say is that anticipating a scrum at the customs office we left Saweni Bay before 7am and on just our head sail moved the short distance to the […]

Gearing up to clear out

The current opportunity to sail south is looking better and better so unfortunately for Lissa, our new crew member, she’s not going to get much time in Fiji before we leave. With that in mind we took her out snorkelling on the same two patches we went to with Anne and John back in August. […]

New Crew Arrived

In the morning Helen and went ashore for fresh food and bread and to pick up mail. Our credit cards had finally arrived. Having taken Helen back to the boat I returned and made my way to the airport to pick up Lissa. I had to wait a while, as did she, as a result […]