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Fiji->NZ: Day 0

In the morning we went ashore one final time to have breakfast and say our goodbyes to everyone. Knowing how much I liked them Latu, the female lead of the dance group, promised to make Helen one so we absolutely have to go back to Likuri Island next time we’re in Fiji to collect.

By 10am we were off into a brisk 20+ knot wind. The swell was a little higher than forecast and as we had to sail on a close reach life began to get quite bumpy. We ran into a couple of problems fairly early on. The port side bilge is getting water from the bow and gradually collecting water. Ok in of itself but once the pump goes on, it doesn’t switch off. This is the second of the new pumps to exhibit this behaviour. What crap. So now we have to put our head in the bilge every 2 hours and run it manually. Not fun. The second problem came when the microwave went airborne. It landed on our sliding door, smashing it off it’s slider, gouging it’s way down the cabin facing side before smashing to pieces on the steps. Lots of woodwork damage and a dead microwave.

Apart from that, all is well. We’re all sleeping when not on watch as the ride is bumpy and we feel drained. Lissa is doing very well. She has confidently settled into her watches and seems fit and well – when she’s awake that is.

The really good news is we’re blazing our way south more or less down the rhumb line at 7-8 knots. We expect to slow down later in the trip but this could possibly put us on a Saturday arrival. Only time will tell.

Nail biter for NZ but well done for the win.

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