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Fiji->NZ: Day 1

Day 1 the wind and seas both calmed down allowing us to point a little closer to the wind and stay moving well and comfortable. We’re still gradually drifting west of the rhumb line but the forecast is in our favour and we should make a better angle over the next 24 hours.

Overnight it had calmed down enough for me to shake out the reef in the mainsail though during my morning shift we ran through a squall line. I headed off rather than reef ending up another 5nm off the rhumb line and once behind the squall line the winds had picked up so I had to put the reef back into the main.

On Helen’s suggestion we’re running a 2 hour on, 4 hour off shift. I picked my slot to coincide with radio work so I’m on at 12 and 6 each hour. Lissa is next at 2 & 8 and Helen follows at 4 & 10. Easy to remember. Yesterday I moved the clocks to daylight savings time so we all got 20 minutes off one of our shifts. A real treat !!

Last night I managed to make radio contact with Passages who have now managed to leave Fiji having had some transmission problems on their first attempt last Saturday.

All is well aboard.

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