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Hike to Whangarei Falls

9am Monday morning we were up and ready for our walk to Whangarei Falls along with Cheryl and Jeff from Subzero. The walk along the river turned out to be quite pleasant and all the better for the company. The map, again, was a little wrong in places but we found our way to the […]

Chance Encounters

It took another two hours of work but in the morning I managed to sort out the email set up messed up the day before. I feel relieved. Only thing left is a bit of education as the root cause boiled down to large numbers of huge attachments resulting from scanned documents being sent out. […]


While Helen packed for our flights out of New Zealand I decided to head off in the dinghy to source a couple of parts. First stop was the dinghy store where I hoped to find a replacement part for one of our rollocks into which the oars sit. While there I learned the owner had […]

A Fine Day

The weather here has been definitely improving. Day time temps are now usually above 20C and nice and warm. Mornings and evenings get chilly though so the blow heater bought earlier this year has proved handy here on the dock.

Scheduling for the sex change has progressed well. We now have our launch booked for […]

Haul Out Prep

On Thursday we began to focus on our haul out preparations. We will need to leave the boat ready for the work to begin so Helen got on with moving things around in the boat to create space for all the things we’ll be taking out from under the bunks and in the stern lockers […]