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While Helen packed for our flights out of New Zealand I decided to head off in the dinghy to source a couple of parts. First stop was the dinghy store where I hoped to find a replacement part for one of our rollocks into which the oars sit. While there I learned the owner had email problems and soon I was sucked in. The problem turned out to be oversized email files but by the time I’d resolved that I’d managed to induce a new problem which needed access to the install disk. I could go no further so I now feel obliged to finish the job off today. Fortunately I have install disks for just about every version of Office so it should resolve ok today. While in the middle of all this I popped round the corner to order a new igniter for our grill as the old one has corroded away and we have to light it with a flame.

In the afternoon Helen headed off to pick up another suitcase while I took a look at car radios in a couple of local stores – really just to gain inspiration. I am still drawn to the Pioneers although my preference has shifted towards the AVH-P3300BT which will absolutely require a rebuild of my nav station. I like the idea of being able to burn a DVDs worth of MP3s and play them randomly.

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