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A Fine Day

The weather here has been definitely improving. Day time temps are now usually above 20C and nice and warm. Mornings and evenings get chilly though so the blow heater bought earlier this year has proved handy here on the dock.

Scheduling for the sex change has progressed well. We now have our launch booked for Friday March 2nd with the Saturday also reserved as a contingency should we need the extra time. We’ve taken a look at flights back to NZ and it looks like we’ll aim to arrive the day the work starts. I just need to coordinate with the yard and line up a point of contact for the techs when they arrive. All is looking good so far.

I spent a bit of time researching a new radio/stereo system for the boat. The current one still works but the display is now stuck on dim so it can be seen in bright light and the buttons go a little funky at times. I’m still not sure which one to get but I like the look of the Pioneer MVH-P7300. In fact the whole range looks quite enticing. Need some time to think about this. One of the projects I want to do while the tech switch the motors is to rearrange the instrument layout on my nav station so I have options including going for a double sized car radio instead of the single. Choices. Choices. Decisions. Decisions.

We also had Dan from Division II over. Last season he worked in the yard we’re hauling out in. This year he’s looking after the kids and doing odd jobs. With the electric motors out from under the bunks we have some ideas about rearranging the house batteries and creating extra storage. Woodwork is not my forte so Dan’s help on that once we’re back in the water will be great.

We had planned on going for a long walk yesterday but hangovers postponed that. We did get out and did a little more Xmas shopping. The long walk to the falls will probably be Sunday based on the current forecast.

4 comments to A Fine Day

  • Ashley from Perth

    Hi Steve,
    Your post today has triggered a question in my mind over the positioning of the electric V’s diesel motors. (I’ve only ever seen a diesel 420.) I’ve noted from earlier photos that you have shaft drives, and based on todays post, the motors are ‘forward’ under the rear beds. Does the sex change involve removing the old electric motors and shafts/props and simply dropping in new yanmars with sail drive legs in the rear engine compartment? Will you stick with fixed blade props, or go to folding / feathering?

    Great blog BTW.


  • steve

    Your surmise is correct. All the motors, electrical equipment under the bunks will be removed and saildrive dropped in presumable the same as those you’ve seen.

    I haven’t made up my mind about props yet. I know, from others, there will be a performance improvement if I go that way but there is a hit to the wallet. Speed hasn’t ever really been our priority (comfort at anchor has) so chances are I’ll stick to the fixed props and see how it goes for a while.

  • Colin

    Hi Steve, Have a look at the marine stereos from the leading makers. The components in them are designed for the riggers of the marine envirnoment and don’t suffer from corrosion causing problems like you may currently have. Some have fixed remote units that allow you to control from various points onboard. All cost more dollars though.

  • steve

    Thanks. I have been looking at marine stereos too. I had hoped by now Poly-Planar would have upgraded their multi zone implementation but it doesn’t seem to have progressed in the last 4 years. The inside location helps a lot so the broader choice and cheaper prices of the car units makes them very attractive.

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